How To Successfully Use Employee Recognition At Your Business

How To Successfully Use Employee Recognition At Your Business

Working in a large organization can offer many amazing opportunities. Sometimes, the feeling of being part of something significant can have a meaningful impact on people. Other times, the satisfaction of a job well done can mean the world to an employee. Unfortunately, some organizations don't recognize their employee's achievements and don't treat them as well as they should. During the covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, for instance, many companies doubled down on bad behavior that led to employee attrition.

These included excessive layoffs, poor working conditions, a lack of proper compensation, and myriad other factors. These factors all came together and precipitated a mass exodus of workers from various industries. Employee retention is now more important than ever and part of retaining employees means treating them well. By creating an environment and atmosphere of collaboration, feedback, and recognition you can do exactly that. Employee recognition is a tremendously positive force for good at an organization and can really change the game. Here's how to use it effectively at your company.

Open Up Communication

In any organization—in any industry—nothing is more vital and valuable than communication. In business relationships and contract negotiations, communication is the most effective tool an organization can have. Superb communication that creates a high level of understanding with minimal misunderstanding consistently leads to more favorable results—whether it's regarding a contract or another endeavor. Opening up communication between teams, management, and everyone involved in any project is critical to developing a smooth operation.

Be Transparent With Expectations

Transparency is critical when it comes to leading a team. Employees should not be confused about how their work connects and interacts with company values. Whether it's short or long-term, managers need to be transparent about company goals. It's important to cultivate an environment where every employee understands how their role serves as part of a larger whole. Help define their function for them and develop an understanding of what their contributions mean to the company, its clients, and the entire team.

If employees ask questions or are generally inquisitive, do your best to answer them appropriately. There may be some information employees are not privy to, and that's just fine. Simply tell them you're not able to share that information and explain why. As long as managers communicate every day, thoroughly and transparently with their direct reports, employees are likely to be more engaged overall. There's power in being well informed and understanding the company's mission. It can go a long way toward building a phenomenal team. If your team takes a moment to simply talk to each other, they can forge excellent working relationships that are both satisfying and pragmatic. Striving to be constructive, honest, and professional in every interaction helps to create an engaging space for everyone from their own team members to the customers.

Encourage Performance Feedback

Encourage Performance Feedback

If your company is still relying on annual performance reviews from a single manager, it's time to consider updating review procedures. An annual performance review probably worked well at one point, but in today's dynamic world it simply won't cut it. There are numerous flaws in the approach. To begin with, the manager conducting the performance review might not interact with the employee much. In some cases, the manager might harbor a bias against (or in favor of) that employee, which could taint the results of the review itself.

That's not good for the employee or the organization. It's unfair and doesn't give the employee an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead, consider frequent check-ins and opportunities to collaborate or discuss feedback. This creates a more open environment and helps employees grow with the organization and get their feedback in real-time. It's better for employee morale, improves retention, and helps to cultivate an environment of understanding and competence in the workplace.

Use A Cloud-Based Platform

In the modern age, technology makes it easier than ever to recognize each other's achievements. Having a cloud-based employee recognition platform lets employees and managers interact with each other in real-time. The positive and useful feedback they can provide each other makes objectives clearer speeds up processes and eliminates confusion. Furthermore, it makes a happier and thriving workplace—all at the touch of a button. Cloud-based platforms offer unique insights into how employees are using them as well. It's easy to obtain analytics and reports telling you whether the services are being utilized and the quality of the recognition being offered to each other. It's a great way to assess employee satisfaction and ensure a positive culture.

Recognition goes a step further than that. It recognizes and congratulates employees on milestones and accomplishments. It can help open up conversations with team members about any relevant business concerns. Moreover, it's a strong communication channel that creates value for the company over time. It vastly improves staff morale, makes them want to work for your company, and potentially forge a career in the field. Treating employees like they're a dispensable commodity instead of like people are never in the best interest of a company. It's a wonder so many companies fall down this hole. With a strong recognition platform and encouragement to your team, you can avoid these pitfalls and create the best possible environment for your employees.

Offer Incentives

Communication, transparency, and fostering a positive environment are great for improving employee relations. Taking it a step further by offering employees incentives, rewards, and awards is a useful method of taking employee recognition to its logical conclusion. It's certainly pragmatic to financial compensation in the form of bonuses, gift cards, and paid time off. These are useful, but sometimes employees crave more. Consider offering tuition assistance for employees desiring to return to school and get a degree to further their career at your company.

An employer-sponsored health insurance plan or help with finding car insurance quotes are small gestures that can really matter. For employees who gave little ones at home, consider offering a daycare solution. Many organizations can't go wrong with offering the opportunity to work from home or remotely some days of the week.

Thank you for reading!

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