How To Split And Merge Fleets (stellaris)

How to Split and Merge fleets (Stellaris)


Players construct their empires in Stellaris. It is a real-time space strategy game. Space ships are known to be the basic element of any space game, and this one is no exception. In Stellaris, optimal fleet management is a key gameplay feature. When the number of fleets grows enormous, it might become overwhelming to maintain speed. In such cases, merging fleets can be beneficial. Speed is important in this game, and with fewer fleets, you might be able to make the winning move.

In Stellaris, you can combine your fleets in a few different ways. For example, combining the “merge” command with the powerful “transfer” and “split” commands could yield good results. Let's take a look at how to merge fleets in Stellaris in a more efficient manner. Moreover, in Stellaris, integrating fleets is fairly simple. All you have to do is choose which fleets you want to combine. To choose multiple fleets at once, you have to hold down the Shift key while selecting them. Then, press the “merge” button to combine all selected fleets into a single entity.

You might also use the “G” shortcut key on your keyboard. Merging of your fleets is only possible when they meet together. This implies that if you chose multiple fleets spanning multiple systems, they would need to meet before merging.

Methods in Stellaris to Merge Fleets

Observe the Tooltips Carefully

It might become a problematic move for you when your fleets don`t merge even after you have followed the steps. That's when the tooltips come in handy. Most of the time, if you read the useful information they flash, you'll be able to figure out what's wrong right away.

For instance, there are some specialized ships that you cannot merge with the other kinds of ships. Another issue can be the driving systems. It is not possible to combine ships with different drive systems into a single fleet. In addition, ships that are stranded due to repairs or upgrades will not join straight away.

Unfortunately, there will be some errors that the tooltips will not be able to detect. For example, if you give a transfer command rather than that of merge, the game has no way of knowing your true objective. However, fleets will not unite when there are empires amongst them with whom the player does not have any reserved open treaties.

Do not Violate the Command Limit while Merging.

The Command Limit establishes the maximum amount of vessels that can be in your fleet. This isn't only based on the number of ships. It also relies on the kind of vessels in your fleet. Certain ships add larger weights to the Command Limit computations.

A merge operation will not be performed if it increases the size of your fleet beyond the Command Limit. This is when the magic of moving ships across fleets comes in handy. Another technique to smartly optimize your fleets is to split fleets strategically.

Deliberately move the ships amongst Fleets.

Ship transfers between fleets will let you arm your fleets with precisely the correct amount of firepower for a specific mission or fight. Select a specific fleet and press the transfer command button in Stellaris to transfer ships across fleets. You can now take any ship from this fleet and place it in any other fleet you like. You can even choose multiple ships from a single fleet and integrate this new “mini-fleet” into any existing fleet.

Fast Stellaris Merge Fleet Management with the “Split”


Stellaris is a fast-paced game, and a mediocre quick action can often outperform a complete but slow movement. In the case of fleet management, the same can be true. You might be able to create the most effective fleet configurations by using diligent “transfer” and “merge” processes. However, there are times when you wish to cut a large fleet into smaller, more manageable troops without giving it any thought.

You may easily accomplish this with the powerful “split” command. Select a fleet that has become too large and split it up with the “split” command. The AI would make every effort to split the massive fleet into two smaller fleets of nearly equal size.

When you have a pretty homogeneous fleet of comparable ships, “Split” works well. As a result, the AI won't have to worry about ship variances and divide the enormous fleet into two smaller ones based on the numerical count.

Splitting can be a simple and effective technique to manage fleets that are constantly growing. With smart combinations of all three “merge,” “transfer,” and “split” actions, you'll achieve the best results in managing your fleets optimally. The commands themselves are simple and easy to use. Using them strategically to get the best game outcome, on the other hand, is a whole different deal.


How do you increase command limit Stellaris?

Choosing carefully the GFPAP known as the Galactic Force with Projection Ascension Perk is an excellent way to boost your naval capabilities greatly. Choosing this ascension perk will give you 20 more points for your fleet command limit and 80 more points for the naval capacity.

In Stellaris, how do I rename fleets?

Hit ‘X' to rename the fleet. You can also pick your fleet by clicking on it on the map and then hitting RB to switch to fleet functions.

What is the formula for calculating fleet power?

This is determined on a per-ship basis, as I've learned from personal experience. Each ship has its run, and the power of a fleet is summed together.

Why is fleet Red Stellaris?

The red fleet power figure indicates that the fleet's present state is much less powerful than the template's power in Fleet Manager. This could be because the fleet has to be upgraded or reinforced. You could use an upgrade, as indicated by the Up arrow to the left of the fleet power.

Final Verdict

Merging fleets is similar to most other Stellaris activities. It's simple enough to learn, and after reading this guide, you'll be able to merge fleets in Stellaris like a pro. However, mastering the art of transferring, merging, and optimizing your fleets could take years, but patience is the key to learning every kind of skill.




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