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Converting PDF to PDFA is possible using the help of PDFBear. Considering PDFBear as your primary converting tool is the best option yet because it is packed with more tools, you expected them to have.
If you find an online tool that is reliable and secure, we suggest that you opt for PDFBear—providing you with features that are very helpful in terms of files or documents. Security of the user and file protection is important to PDFBear. With this, it makes PDFBear more trustworthy. This article will serve as a guide to converting PDF to PDFA using PDFBear.
What Is PDFA?
Have you ever wondered why some people convert their PDF to PDFA? PDFA is a different yet particular type of well known portable document format. In terms of longevity, pdfa is designed for preserving your files longer. Creators released this type of format wherein users can quickly render their documents when using a working viewer in any operating system.
PDF alone has characteristics that cannot be rendered on other operating system viewers. It's because the document you have contains none-embedded elements such as fonts that would change depending on the kind of viewer and operating system used.
To prevent these errors from happening, converting them into pdfa format could make a big difference. Having this format can allow users to replicate or reproduce their files while retaining the exact contents, making your presentation look the same as how you created it in the first place.
Is said to be a version of a much more reliable PDF, hence why people convert their pdf into pdfa format. PDFA effortlessly displays the exact document you have without changing contents or displays the file differently on used viewers. PDFA format ensures that the file you want to open will open without mishaps on your chosen viewing software.
In addition to everything that has been mentioned, the PDFA has a way to protect legal rights to a document by giving it digital verification signatures to know if the document has been changed or altered. This aspect makes it a more dependable format to use for your files or documents. If you want to convert your pdf into pdfa, you can do so by using PDFBear services.
PDFBear's Quick File Selection And Transfer
The conversion of PDF to PDF/A is achievable when you use fast, accurate, user-friendly, and safe online tools. In this case, PDFBear services are the best option to go for. In the first step of the said converting process, file uploading is done two fast and simple ways. Move around your cursor and hover it on the categories PDFBear has provided in their website interface.
Once you find the tool mainly for converting PDF to PDFA, click on it, and you will proceed to an interface that would process your request. You will now be asked for file transfer to grant conversion access in the middle of the screen. The website will only begin to generate the file once the user uploaded a document on the designated area.
Now there are two easy ways to do this file upload. You can transfer a file by dragging a PDF to the PDFBear interface center or doing manual searching through your library and clicking it to open. Both of the given ways are helpful and very efficient. Either of the two, you can still successfully upload it to the PDFBear system without facing malfunctions and erased content.
Selecting The Level Of Conformance For Your Conversion Process
On the page wherein you will get to choose the type of conformance level you want, this shows that PDFBear only relies on your decision to work on your document. In the website interface, you will see a rectangle below the “Set the PDF/A Conformance level.” On the right side of the screen, you will get to see additional features it can offer to your files alongside the conformance level you chose.
Some features include enabling transparency features, adding layers, getting Opentype and ensign fonts and elements, character mapping, and other additional changes you want even if there are pictures in JPG format. It is beneficial for some to get more choices on the specific form that the system will generate.
Quick and Secure Download Process Of The Converted PDF/A File
Right after choosing the option you want your file to be, The system of PDFBear will immediately generate the PDF you have uploaded. If you are worried about unnecessary changes, PDFBear makes sure that all given PDF or files on their website will get alterations according to the tool and format that the user needs.
In terms of having documents and various formats, converting PDF to PDF/A could be a piece of cake for you. Although many people do not know about the essence of converting PDF to PDF/A. We will give you an idea of how to do everything correctly to avoid errors and erased content.
File saving is easy, and with PDFBear's simple interface, you can download the file in PDF/A format with one tap. The download button beside the newly altered file is noticeable. Once you click on the file, it will immediately transfer to your desktop or device without experiencing trouble.
In A Nutshell
Each of the formats brings its purpose and knowing which form you need for work, school, business, etc. There will come a time that it is required to be saved in a different format. With PDFBear, only a few taps and you're good to go. Converting files from PDF to PDFA is possible when you use the right tool to help you with it.
Knowing what PDFBear could do to your PDFs for free and paid members. You must value the benefits it could give you and make it your own personal converting software. Given that it is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. You will not have difficulty adjusting to your files in one go, still receiving the best quality ever.
Bonus video: How to Edit PDF File in Word
Where are my PDF files?
1. Open a ‘File Explorer' window on your PC.
2. In the search box on the top right of your screen, enter ‘type: pdf' – again, without the quotes, then hit Enter.
3. In the main window, you'll see your PDF files displayed. Click on the one you're looking for to open it in your installed PDF app.
Do I need adobe to create a PDF?
Yes, you need adobe to create a PDF. Need to buy a paid subscription.
Is google docs a PDF?
Yes, you can use Google Docs as a PDF.
Thank you for reading!