Keyword Density Checker Free Tool

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About Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker is an online tool that helps website owners and content creators to analyze the keyword density on a given web page. It accepts both texts and a page’s link and analyses keyword density in the same way as a search engine.


What Is Keyword Density?

The percentage of times a particular keyword appears on the webpage content about the total word count on that page is defined as keyword density. It has a significant impact on how search engines rank that webpage in response to a particular search.


Does Keyword Density Affect Search Engine Ranking?

Search engines rank WebPages that have just the right keyword density. You stuff them unnecessarily, and the search engine will not be happy with you. If you do it a little less than the required density, the search engines will not pick up the web page to rank it for that particular keyword.


What is a Keyword Density Checker?

Keyword density checker is a free online tool that is designed for the sole purpose of determining keyword density in a given content, text, or webpage.

Content marketers tend to stuff their content with loads of keywords. This negatively affects SEO because Google does not rank the content in which keywords are unnecessarily stuffed.

Manually you can calculate the keyword density by counting the number of times it comes in content. Then divide this number with the total number of words and multiply by 100. Calculating keyword density manually is a time taking the task, and you may make errors too. This tool is the quickest and most efficient method of determining a particular keyword’s density in a given text.


How to Use Keyword Density Checker?

You can easily use our keyword density calculator, which requires only two steps to give accurate results:

Step 1:

Open the Keyword Density Checker on our website. Enter the URL of the web page that you want to analyze. You can also copy-paste the desired text directly in the given space.

Step 2:

Now click on “Check Keyword Density,” and our outstanding tool will immediately analyze the given content.


Why Should We Use Keyword Density Checker:

This tool helps you identify your mistakes in using keywords. Stuffing keywords or not using them insufficient amount may be stopping your website from ranking on search engines.

You can also use this tool to analyze your competitor’s website content to judge if this is why they are gaining more traffic. It can help you make your website better and attract more audience through the appropriate use of keywords.


Does Keyword Density Affect SEO?

Keyword stuffing is considered a spamming practice by Google and is a violation of Google’s webmaster guidelines. Search engines do not allow such pages to rank. After running a keyword density check, you can conveniently remove keywords from places where they are stuffed unnecessarily for a better ranking.


About this Tool

Our keyword density checker allows you to copy-paste your content if it is still unpublished on any website. Our website is secure, and we do not store or view your content. Caring for your privacy is our top priority. We do not charge any fees, nor do we ask for any registration, so you can use this tool to improve your content without any hassle.